

增加的功能, 可靠性, 让你的客人感到舒适, all while optimizing energy usage and satisfaction 为了你的生意 when you replace your guest room through-the-wall air conditioners with qualified packaged terminal heat pumps.

组合式末端热泵, 或PTHPs, are compact and efficient heating and cooling units that will save you energy through the use of heat pump technology . Hotel owners typically have PTAC (packaged terminal air conditioners) in their guest rooms, 有时甚至是踢脚板加热, which use inefficient electric resistance heating and at least 35% more energy than their PTHP cousins. PTHPs are excellent replacements to through-the-wall PTACs because they can be inserted into the existing metal sleeve with minimal adjustments.

通过从PTAC升级到PTHPs, 酒店将为客人提供舒适的环境, 易于控制, 安静地呆着. 你可以在效率中找到满足感, 易于维护和方便的PTHP单位为您的业务.



一旦预先核准的, 获得PSE退税,最高可达$2,000元/件 when replacing existing electric resistance heating with a code-exceeding, AHRI认证®封装终端热泵(PTHP). 这一回扣的上限为2美元,000元/件, 不能超过合格产品的购买价格, 不包括安装费用, 劳动, 或税收.


  • PTHP单位成本为925美元,不包括安装、人工或税收;
    • PSE回扣为$925(回扣不能超过PTHP的成本)


  • PTHP单位成本为2,200美元,不包括安装、人工或税收;
    • PSE返利为$2,000(每个PTHP返利上限为$2,000)


在开始预审批流程之前, 仔细检查以确保您满足以下列出的客户要求.

Identifying and approving the specific type of equipment you currently have and plan to replace is part of the Pre-Approval process, 因此,我们强烈建议推迟购买新设备,直到您收到 来自PSE的现有设备批准邮件.


  • You must be a current PSE commercial electric customer in the hospitality/lodging industry. 我们的预批准程序将确定您的特定设施类型是否合格. 部分设施视占用类型而有额外要求.
    • 寄宿/宿舍,公寓酒店,宿舍和庇护设施.
    • 安老院舍楼宇类型, 在此折扣的用途中,哪些可包括:护养院, 养老院, 辅助生活设施.
  • 你们必须更换客房原有的电阻加热系统.
    • 如果您的房间有现有的包装终端空调(PTAC), 那么这些房间就有资格更换.
    • If your rooms have existing base board heating, 那么这些房间就有资格更换.
    • 如果您的房间有现有的包装终端热泵(PTHP), 那么这些房间就不符合更换的条件.
    • 更换燃气供暖不符合此折扣条件.
  • 新建筑项目没有资格获得这项回扣.
  • 这个返利是专门针对包装终端热泵设备的. If you are interested in Ductless Heat Pump technology but not specifically PTHP, please visit PSE’s 热泵返利页面 了解更多信息.


您必须获得预先批准才有资格参加该计划. We highly recommend delaying the purchase of new equipment until you receive notification from PSE that you have been approved for the program.

并非所有公用事业单位都有资格获得回扣. 你的PTHP必须是新的, 空调认证, 加热, 制冷学会(AHRI), 并且超过华盛顿州能源法规(WESC)至少10%.

下表显示了超过WSEC 10%的值. Qualifying PTHP units must have an Energy 效率 Ratio (EER) and Coefficient Of Performance (COP) that meets or exceeds the values in the table, 根据机组的制热和制冷量. You can find the EER and COP to determine if PTHP meet these requirements in a few ways:

  • 查看您建议的PTHP的具体品牌和型号的规格表;
  • 访问AHRI目录 并搜索您建议的PTHP的具体品牌和型号;
  • 询问您的设备销售代表或承包商. 一旦你知道你建议的PTHP机组的供热和制冷能力在btu, 将这些数字与下表中的数据点进行比较.

一旦你知道你建议的PTHP机组的供热和制冷能力在btu, 将这些数字与下表中的数据点进行比较.

  • 提示: Use the proposed PTHP’s Cooling 容量(BTU)s to determine which minimum EER is required to qualify.
  • 提示: Use the proposed PTHP’s 加热 容量(BTU)s to determine which minimum COP is required to qualify.

容量(BTU) <8,000 8,000 – 10,999 11,000+
冷却-最低EER 10.2 9.8 9.1
供暖-最低COP 3.0 2.9 2.8


如果您满足上面列出的客户要求, 那么预批准的第一步是填写预批准表格:


以上信息将允许我们验证您的位置和PSE帐户. 如果以上任何一项不符合条件, 您将收到通知,其中包含解释和/或下一步操作的说明.

如果您的所在地和PSE账户符合资格, the next step in the Pre-Approval process is to visually confirm that your existing equipment meets the rebate qualifications. PSE验证小组代表将与您联系安排现场访问. 预审批以每间客房为基础, so our Verification Team will require access to EACH ROOM that contains units you’d like to replace.

如果我们无法验证你现有的设备, 你将不会被预先批准参加这个项目, 而且你没有资格获得退税.

帮助我们准备现场参观, 请告诉我们你目前房间里有什么类型的设备.

I understand that PSE provides rebate incentives for measures that are designed to save energy but I acknowledge that estimated energy savings are not guaranteed and I understand that PSE has made no express warranties or representations with regard to these products or their installation. 我承认我有责任满足适用的代码要求, 确定安装的适当性, 并支付欠承包商/供应商的所有款项. 进一步, I understand that this is a tariffed service and is subject to change or termination without prior notice. PSE reserves the right to inspect any installation prior to rebate approval and/or after rebate payment and I agree to provide PSE reasonable access for such purposes. 我授权PSE发布我的客户账户信息, 包括我的账单和能源使用信息, 给一个独立的人, 仅用于评估此折扣计划的第三方评估机构, 确认节能和其他质量保证目的. The disclosure of your private information will comply with PSE’s privacy policy and state regulation.


As a reminder, please do not purchase new PTHP equipment before receiving your Pre-Approval from PSE.

Once you have received your Pre-Approval and before purchasing and installing new PTHP units, we will need to confirm that the equipment you have chosen to purchase qualifies for the rebate. This is further down the road in your project but we want to let you know that we'll eventually be asking for the following:

  • We will ask you to provide a copy of your quote showing the manufacturer and model number and itemized unit costs of the PTHP equipment you want to install. 最后,我们还将要求您提供设备的购买发票, 但在这个阶段,报价是最好的,这样我们就可以确定你想购买什么. Any Pre-Approval rebate amount is subject to change in the event that equipment pricing on final invoice differs from previously submitted quote.
  • 我们将要求您提交一份完整的 W-9纳税人识别表 为了你的生意.
  • 我们将询问你方设备安装的预计日期.


请不要在未获得PSE预先批准的情况下购买设备. 你可能还没有到那里, but we’d like to give you an idea of what’s ahead in the project process so we can set your expectations:

一旦满足了必要的要求,您将收到一份 现有设备审批邮件 告诉我下一步该怎么做. Once those steps have been completed you will be given specific instruction (through an 安装审批邮件) when you may begin moving forward with equipment purchase, installation, and subsequent next steps.

最终,一旦所有步骤完成,设备全部安装完毕,我们将指示您通过回复您的 安装批准邮件 线程. 一旦发生这种情况,并且满足了任何PSE验证需求**, 你应该在6到8周内收到你的回扣.

*Any PSE’s pre-approved rebate amount is subject to change in the event that equipment pricing on final invoicing differs from previously submitted quote or invoice. PSE回扣将以最终发票设备价格为基础.
** All PSE rebate projects may be subject to a randomly selected on-site verification to confirm installation and equipment eligibility. 如果您的项目被随机选中,PSE将与您联系, 根据预审批表上提供的联系方式, 为了在返利付款前安排此验证.



If your facility has 150 rooms or less you may also qualify for a no-cost energy assessment with one of our small business energy experts. 阅读更多 关于这个项目对你的生意有什么好处.


PSE wants to help you manage and control your new packaged terminal heat pumps (or even your old PTACs) with the types of thermostats that work best for the hospitality industry, 为您节省更多的精力和金钱. 请查看 基于占用的恒温器页面 了解更多关于这个机会的信息.


PSE has an extensive rebate program to help you upgrade to energy efficient foodservice equipment. This can be anything from the ice machines found on each floor to the heavy equipment found in your hotel restaurant. 参观 商业食品服务设备回扣计划页面 了解更多.





